Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New Name, Same Blog

I changed my name because, even though I was the first one, there were several others after me who used my name.   I got no support from followers (incidentally, if you are reading this and you're one of the people who said, "Who cares?", you can suck my balls), so I decided to just fuggit and change it.

Here we are. Welcome to Nar's Witchy Kitchen.

Still Truckin'

I'm still here. I know I keep dropping off the planet, but at first it was a combination of depression and craziness at work, and now it's no craziness at work.  I got laid off.   I'm still looking for jobs, applying for jobs, interviewing for jobs sometimes, but I haven't landed one yet.

On the upside, I took my free time and channeled it into designing items for my Zazzle store, which you can see on the right -->.  Feel free to browse around.  I'm still on Etsy, but Zazzle has a few advantages, imho.

Wish me luck in the job hunt!  I should have plenty of time to work on recipes, and hopefully some pretty sweet unemployment to pay for the groceries.  We shall see.