Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Some Tarot Time

I haven't really written much over here about my other blog, Nar's Tarot Table, nor have I written much there lately. I've been a busy lady lately, but I am about to have a lot of free time on my hands. I believe I mentioned in a previous post that my contract at work did not get renewed. I am out of a job after June 30. I don't have anything else lined up yet. I had an interview today, but the other communication has been of the rejection variety. Jobs begin in mid-August, and I need time to move and get settled in a new place before the job starts. Universities are slow to contact anyone about anything, however, so I'm still playing the waiting game.

Which brings me to this: I'm offering my services as a tarot reader through my Etsy store. I started reading 18 years ago, and I think it's time to start working on the witchy business idea I've had in my adorable little brain for a few years now. Therefore, if anyone is interested in looking at what I have to offer and maybe sharing the posting (please share), you can find things here: My tarot readings on Etsy.

Thank you all for your time and attention. I will have a lot of free time on my hands for a while. I hope I have some creative, productive ways in which to fill it.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Beltane! May Day!

It's also my dad's birthday, yay!

As you may have noticed, I did not put anything about Beltane, and here's why: I had a painful experience at a May Day celebration many years ago, and it has stayed with me. There are a lot of things I could say about Beltane and why it's not one of my favorite sabbats, but I'll save it for those who really want to know. I won't force it upon all of you, ha ha!

I did test some recipes and get some more organizing done for project, but it's still a long, slow process. It'll get there, maybe. We'll see.