I'm trying to crawl out from under the rock that is depression, anxiety, stress, etc. It isn't easy, and I feel a bit like a salmon swimming upstream, but I'm working on it. I haven't written or done anything else creative in a while.
Slowly, slowly, bit by by, as spring returns, I find myself awakening once again. I feel inspired to begin creating recipes, oil blends, and other things again.
Shitty things have come to pass. I am not going to be staying at my current job after June, so I am trying to find something else. I've been ill a lot because stress has taken its toll on my body.
Better things have come to pass as well. I think. I can't think of any examples right now, but I'll let you know if I do. Well, the job thing might just be a blessing in disguise, but I am a bit worried about finances come July and beyond. Something will hopefully come along.
I think that I have finally come up with a way of combining all of my half-assed cookery book ideas into one project. I'm currently working on that. We'll see what happens. It is a big task, but it feels more manageable to do it this way. I feel that I might be able to make some real progress if I can afford to buy groceries and test recipes. Ack.
Anyhell, I'm still surviving and existing. I am working on living, truly living, and I hope that some of you will join me on my journey.