Wednesday, April 25, 2018


File all of this under "I Should've Known", with virtually everything else.

I started planning things for November and found out the stove and oven didn't work. The unit had to be replaced. It was installed incorrectly and had to be redone. (The dishwasher followed a few months later, after a violent, noisy shuddering of the pipes and some water flooding the kitchen. Followed by some leaking from the hot water heater. Just shoot me, JFC.)

Nothing ever changes for the better, does it? I guess there is some sort of balance achieved here and there, as the wheel of fortune spins and spins and spins.

I am job hunting once again. I was needed for two semesters. I am not needed for summer, and fall is uncertain. I hope I am able to get some unemployment for a bit, and I really, really hope I can land something more stable by fall. Another move. Another small fortune in that. Goodness, it never ends.

Silly me for choosing this career, I suppose, but I had no idea that hatred would affect this field in this country as much as it is right now. It's nearly impossible for some to get visas, and the rest of them look at us and say, "Fuck, no, I don't want to go to school and live there. That place is a shit show!" And they would be 100% correct.

Guess that tarot side hustle is gonna be my thing for a while, once again. That and who knows what else. The bf hasn't found a job yet. Maybe I can get him to sell some plasma in town. I would, but they have strange rules and restrictions involving tattoos and such.

Anyway, the hunt for something full-time is on once again. Time to get the candles lit and such. Just wanted to update anyone who might still read this. Maybe I'll be active this time around. Fourteen months of unemployment the last time wasn't great for my writing. Or will to live, in general.

Keep your eyes on this space because you just never know!