Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Abundance, patience, grounding
Symbol of strength

This animal will help us to connect to the Earth, and to our ancestors. Even if you do not claim any American Indian heritage (always a popular topic in the Pagan community), by consuming the flesh of this sacred animal, you are in a way connecting to the most primitive of humans. They may not have had bison as we know it, but the act of hunting a sacred animal such as the bison, of giving thanks to the spirit of this great beast, and by nourishing your body with its body, you are connecting with the past.

I’m not saying you have to go out and hunt a bison, or any animal for that matter, but just being aware of the process and the sacrifice may help to put you in tune with the Lord of the Hunt and help strengthen the connection with Nature. Let’s face it, many of us live thoroughly modern existences. Our meat is pre-wrapped and displayed in a refrigerated case. We hunt for bargains, not for food. Many people don’t have room for a garden, unless it’s just a pot of herbs grown on a balcony or windowsill. That may be fine and dandy for most people, but I get sick of living like a city girl sometimes. Especially now that I live in a city of at least 14 million people and concrete seems to be the most prevalent crop. It seems easier to eat seasonally and locally here without having a garden, however.

If there are any hunters out there, or people married to hunters or otherwise related in some way, give me a shout. Any country folk? Does any of this make sense to anyone, or am I just a crazy lady, rambling on in her old age? (Probably. *L*)

Back to the bison, a lot of grocery stores carry bison that has been raised on a farm of sorts. Can you still connect with this great animal if you didn’t hunt it? Well of course you can. Say a prayer of thanks. Find some information on the tribes of Plains Indians who depended upon this animal for their survival. What did they use each part of the animal for?

No matter what you choose to have for dinner, give thanks to the spirit of the animal. Thank Cernunnos, or another appropriate god or goddess of the hunt. Also, maybe take time to do a little meditation on some of the foods you eat. The information I’m presenting is just my own personal thoughts. You may have other associations for these animals. You may attribute other planets, elements, or energies to them. I would love to hear what you come up with.

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