Saturday, March 13, 2010

The meal *is* the ritual!

Okay, I admit it. I've pretty much cornered myself. I don't do a whole lot outside of the kitchen. Sure, I'm trying to get back into reading Tarot and I meditate sometimes, or just light some candles, burn some incense and spend time in quiet prayer. However, these things don't happen as often I'd like. Being more spiritual here, far from witchy friends and family, hasn't been easy. I'm really, really looking forward to a visit from Maz because when I'm with her, I practice reading cards more, I meditate more, I do more energy work. Hopefully our friend Deb will also be joining her in Istanbul.

Here's what I'm working on. As the post suggests, I am hoping to work out something for kitchen witches and non-kitchen witches alike. It's for those of us who are often overcome by the mundane world and just don't seem to have any inspiration or energy leftover for the spiritual side of life.

What you will need (and by need, I mean what I suggest you have)

candles, white or colored to correspond to the directions
dried sage or rosemary for smudging
fresh rosemary
sea salt
meal of your choice

Start by cleaning the area physically. Remove all the junk from the dining room table or kitchen table and wipe it down. Then you can smudge the room with the rosemary or sage bundle. Use the fresh sprig of rosemary to flick salt water around the area too, cleansing it of negative energies, distractions, etc. Say what you wish.

The candles can be placed around the room, on the corners of the table, or clustered in the middle of the table. Light them and call upon your personal representations of the directions - watchtowers, the elements, what you will.

Leave some sage or rosemary burning in a dish. If you have a charcoal for incense, place it in a dish of salt or sand (to absorb the heat) and sprinkle the herbs on top. If you choose this option, I would place the dish off the table.

Lay the food out on the table. Give thanks. Invite the gods to partake of the feast with you. Enter the circle created around the table, clockwise, and be seated. If there are others with you, hold hands around the table as you give thanks. if you are gathering for a special purpose, state it.

Eat the meal slowly, quietly, savoring the flavors and textures, thinking about the energies carried by the ingredients.

When the meal is finished, place an offering of food outside if you can. Thank the elements, gods, spirits, etc. for attending and finish as you would any other ritual.

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