Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life IS Good

The sweet BlakkDuchess at Absinthe and Arsenic has bestowed the Life is Good meme on me. Thank you! I always appreciate being personally tagged. It still amazes me that people actually read this thing, hee hee!

Anyroad, here are the questions she asked:

1. What book(s) are you reading right now?

I'm reading Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs. She's the person behind Temperance Brennan, the forensic anthropologist of "Bones".

2. What is your preferred crafting medium (if you have one…)?

I love using Sculpey, Fimo and other polymer modeling compounds. You can make so much with them! I'm not that good, but I like to play around. I made miniature foods for my kitchen goddesses, goddess figurines, and other little things.

3. Is there a book, movie, conversation etc. that has impacted your way of thinking so profoundly that your entire world view has changed? (And what is it if yes…)

Hands down, Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins. Read it if you haven't done so!

4. If you could make a living doing what you love best, what would that be?

I still dream of being a writer. I have ideas for at least two cookbooks, and I always dream of finishing the bazillion short stories I have started over the years. I'd like to be a teacher, a wife and possibly a mom, and a writer. I'm already a teacher, at least. I'd also like to have my own Pagan business - a shop with books and things, or a Pagan-friendly pub/inn. Maybe a catering business. I also want to be a nutritional anthropologist and or paleontologist. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!

5. Favorite carbonated beverage? (Energy drinks count!!!)

I tend to avoid fizzy things because the gas sometimes hurts my pouch and could also stretch it. However, lately I've been drinking lots of fizzy cherry-flavored mineral water. I have some pomegranate too, but the cherry is my favorite. The brands are Akmina (Dannon) and Ozkaynak.

6. Have you ever read anything by Chuck Palahniuk? (if not, go grab Fight Club, sit down & read it!)

I haven't read it, but I think I would like to.

All right, ya'll, I'm going to go create some questions and then pass this beauty on to someone else!

1 comment:

TheBlakkDuchess said...

I'll have to grab Skinny Legs and All... I don't know what I want to be when I grow up either... I think running a pub/inn sounds like a blast! =D And why limit yourself? You can ALL those things! ^-^