Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturn and The Sun

Foods ruled by Saturn are used for magical changes and include beets, cheese, tamarinds, quince and vinegar.

Foods ruled by The Sun are used for healing, protection, success, magical and physical energy, strength, health and spirituality. This list includes alcohol, believe it or not, along with bammboo, bay, cashews, chestnuts, dried foods such as fruits, grapefruit, hazelnuts, honey, kumquats, lime, raisins, red wine, rice, rosemary, saffron and sesame.

Source: Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really enjoy the concept of food energies associated with planet energies. Food is such an essential influence on our personal energy, it makes sense that the use of foods energies would help ehance our own energies and intentions. I haven't looked through all of your archives, butI'd like to know what foods you recommend for grounding, some nice Earth energy. My intuition tells me root vegtables and things from the Earth, but I'm wondering about herbs as well.
Blessed Be,