Saturday, February 2, 2013

30 Days of Kitchen Witchery

Won't you join me in yet another blog challenge?  This one is good for kitchen witches and hedgewitches as well.   Please feel free to play along, and don't worry if you get behind. I'm sure I will!   If you decide to participate, just put a link in the comments section to your post and I'll take it from there.  Happy blogging!

30 Days of Kitchen Witchery

1. Why kitchen witchery?
2. What makes a kitchen witch?
3. What doesn't make a kitchen witch?
4. Your favorite tool(s)  (photos)
5. Favorite kitchen task and why
6. Least favorite kitchen task and why
7. How do you imbue magic into your hearth and home?
8. Special cleaning rituals/practices
9.    Pre-cooking preparing practices
10. Recipe for love
11. Recipe for prosperity
12. Recipe for peace
13.Do you stir deosil or widdershins? 
14.Your kitchen altar
15.  Kitchen deities
16.Your kitchen deity
17.Your favorite food/meal to make in honor of your kitchen deity
18.Songs or chants that you use while cooking
19. Mealtime blessing
20. Blog about hunger
21. Do you have a familiar? Is your familiar allowed in the kitchen?
22. Favorite cookbook(s)
23.Diet and magic
24.Meat and magic (or no meat, depending on your preferences)
25. Junk food and magic
26. Favorite sabbat dishes
27. What other magic do you do in the kitchen? (Witch bottles, candles, incense, bath salts...)
28. Do you listen to music while you cook? What? Is it specific to the food you are making?
29. Worst kitchen disaster
30. The future of your path

2    I really hope you all join me!  



TheBlakkDuchess said...

I'm sure I'll get behind too, but I'll join you for the month! ^-^


Unknown said...

Ooh! I want to join you. I'm already behind and I haven't started yet!