Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 2 : What Makes a Kitchen Witch?

In a word: Consciousness.

A hearth priestess, a kitchen witch - or any witch, for that matter - is conscious of his/her surroundings.

Before I continue, let us consult the dictionary:


aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
fully aware of or sensitive to something (often followed by of  ): conscious of one's own faults; He wasn't conscious of the gossip about his past.
having the mental faculties fully active: He was conscious during the operation.
known to oneself; felt: conscious guilt.
aware of what one is doing: a conscious liar.

So, as a kitchen witch I am acutely aware of my surroundings and I try to tap into how I am feeling so I can understand it better. 

I am aware of and sensitive to the world around me and conscious of my own faults, as the example mentions. 

When I am cooking, I am fully aware of what I am doing.  I am consciously trying to imbue the food with some specific purpose - love, harmony, prosperity, etc. 

So, that's it for me.   Knowing what I'm doing and why I'm doing it is part of what makes me who I am as I travel my path. 

How about you? 

1 comment:

TheBlakkDuchess said...

You'll have to excuse my giggling, as I popped over here to post the linky to my Day 2 post...

You & me? We're on the same wavelength... ^-^