Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A blog prompt from Mom's a Witch!

Link to the prompt here:

Prompt:  What is something you can do this month to bring you closer to the Goddess?  How can you strengthen your spirituality?

1.       I can say more prayers of thanks and gratitude.
2.      I can try to like myself more. After all, aren’t I made in Her image?
3.      I can share with others. I intend to:  Donate to food banks and thrift stores. Cook a meal for a friend. Bake a cake to celebrate a friend’s wedding.
4.       Make things for people to use in order to strengthen their own spirituality. I plan to make some goddess prayer beads.
5.      Do more creative things.

6.      Spiritually cleanse my home. Oh, and CLEAN it, too! Ugh! 
7.       Celebrate with others.
8.      Spend more time outdoors.
9.      Try to keep some plants alive for once. 

Even though this prompt was for February, I think it's also a good one for March because it's the start of spring.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! This is a blog prompt that we could all use at the New Moon. It would be a great way to keep on track with our spiritual growth.