Sunday, December 5, 2021

Always Craving Traditions and Community

 It’s almost Yule. Once again, I feel kind of unprepared. Emotionally, I mean. I never seem to get my act together these days, leaving sabbats unobserved for far too long. 

I tell myself that things would be different if I had a group and could get together with my people. I tell myself I’d be more prepared if I had some time off during this part of the year, but this isn’t academia.

The reality: I’m lazy. I procrastinate. There are times when the darkness of this time of year combines with my everyday darkness to create a super clump of hopelessness and sadness that chokes me until well after the winter holidays have passed. Just in time for my annual Beltane depression, but that’s another story for another time. External motivation is pretty helpful, though. 

The point I am trying to make is my lack of celebration, my lack of food traditions and other witchy traditions for this time of year. Or any time of year, for that matter. I crave being able to build and share Sabbat traditions with my family, but...I don’t have one. I feel as though I’m the only one who really thinks this is important, and if no one else cares, why should I waste my time, right? 

In my witchy dream world, I do have a close community. We gather as often as we can. Wisdom is shared, spells are cast, the holidays are celebrated, and seasonal, magical foods accompany all of this. Also, I have more storage space and the kitchen cleans itself. It’s a dream world, after all. 

I’m not flashy. I’m rather boring. However, I do know my shit. Need traditional ingredients for a particular Sabbat? Esbat? Handfasting dishes? Croning? Hit me up, and I’ll totally hook you up. Hell, if you live in my town, I’ll cook it for you if you want. I just want to share my passions, and it hurts to think no one cares much either way, that my material is somehow unworthy of notice. I don’t know what to do to change that yet, but I’m thinking.

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