Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kitchen Deities, Part II

There are so many aspects of the Divine that are associated with the hearth, fire, and food preparation. And why not? Food sustains life, and that which sustains life is sacred. These days, many of us are fortunate to have an abundant supply of affordable food. Sadly, though, many are not. For those of you interested in helping feed those in need, donating non-perishable food to a local food pantry can be a ritual in itself. Just leave the food with a prayer that it nourish those who receive it.

The post I made just a moment ago included a list of various kitchen deities, but it seems that there are more than I originally thought. Fortunately, the Pagan Soccer Mom has a list at her blog ( ). She was also kind enough to list some of the foods and herbs that are sacred to these hearth deities. I recommend visiting her blog. I plan to provide more detailed information about some of the deities and include suitable recipes as I have in the past.

1 comment:

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Thanks for the link! I've loved hunting down the names and what is sacred to the deities. It's something that I've tried to work on here and there over a long period of time, and pick up once in a while to try to improve.

I've really enjoyed looking through your blog this morning!