Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Friday!

Oh thank gods this week is almost over! It seemed to go by much, much faster than last week. I was about at the end of my rope last week, but now I don't feel as run down. The weather looks to be improving too, which is always a plus.

It's Friday and what that sometimes means here at Koc is cookies. I get cookie cravings and I want to bake, but I can't have a bunch of cookies in the house or I'll eat them all! Every once in a while I will bake a double batch of cookies and take them to work. I think it's nice to have a sweet treat at the end of the week, especially since this track has been so long. We don't have any breaks during the third 8-week period of the school year and boy is it tough! But today we have peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to help us through the day. Next week we have two class days, two days for final exams, and then we're on spring break. Woo hoo!!!

Does anyone have any cooking projects lined up for the weekend? I don't, but when my friends get here from England, I plan to cook up a storm. I trust there will be no objections! I'll be taking them to sample some of the lovely Turkish cuisine the city has to offer as well. I also hope to get some major walking in. I can't seem to break my plateau! April 4 is my one-year bandiversary and I've only lost 50 lbs or so. Actually closer to 47, as I seem to gain and lose the same couple of pounds all the time lately. I'm stepping up the exercise but I have to step down the cookie cravings too. :)

I imagine I'll be on my own this weekend as I usually am, so I'll probably be blogging and farting around on Facebook and various instant messengers. If you're going to be online, drop me a line and I'll hook you up with a screen name.



Diandra said...

We just started plannung our culinary easter expeditions. Four days with enough time to cook really exciting, really delicious stuff. Beef olives for one day (BF's wish), but for the rest of the time I am free to experiment!!!

TheBlakkDuchess said...

No concrete cooking plans, but now that you mention it, cookies sound really GOOD... Perhaps I'll make some bread too. Hmmm... Hope you have a wonderful weekend & happy cooking! ^-^